
Gelo di fichi d’india.



Alongside the most famous mellone, here is the version of Sicilian gelo (prickly pear frost) prepared with the fruit of the cacti that dot the island’s territory.
gr. 500 prickly pear juice;
gr. 250 of water;
gr. 60 of sugar;
g. 60 of corn starch;
chopped pistachios to decorate.
Pass the prickly pears through a tomato mill or mixer to obtain the juice and pass through a sieve to remove the seeds.
Add the water, starch, sugar and prickly pear juice, mixing well and avoiding lumps forming. Place on medium heat and, stirring constantly, bring to the boil. At the first boils, lower the heat and continue stirring for a few more minutes until the mixture begins to thicken. Turn off and let cool for a few minutes. Pour the cream thus obtained into the single portions and place in the fridge.

It is recommended to serve cold and decorate with chopped pistachios.

The most imaginative housewives served prickly pear frost sprinkled with tender jasmine flowers. CCywKHWpoBM04ChDoAQhCMAc#v=onepage&q=frost%20figs%20d’ india&f=false